Born in Giubiasco (Ticino), in 1935, married and with 3 children. Degree in classics from the College of Maria Hilf, Schwyz and lic. oec. from the University of St. Gallen. Doctorate from the University of Fribourg. Worked throughout on company organisation and in particular on the internal auditing department of Nestlé.
Wrote a thesis on function and organisation of an internal auditing department. Operational and financial director of Linoleum AG, Giubiasco (today called Forbo AG). Subsequently director of SIG (Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft), Neuhausen am Rheinfall in which as a member of the board of directors, he was responsible for finance as well as central services such as planning, acquisitions, human resources and information technology.
Returned in 1974 to Ticino as financial director of the Europrogramme Group and following that as director at Danzas SA, Ticino and Italy. Was also actively involved for ten years with Fidinam Fiduciaria SA, Lugano where as a member of the board of directors he was responsible for consultancy and human resources. At the beginning of 1991 he established his own company Dr. Wieting Giorgio Consulting SA and, in conjunction with other international partners, MCG Management Consultants Group SA, Lugano also established LWP Ledermann, Wieting & Partners SA, Lugano.
At the beginning of 2003, Dr. Wieting Giorgio Consulting SA changed its name to Wieting Gandolfi & Partners Consulting SA following the arrival of Mr. Gabriele Gandolfi as a partner.
Fiduciario commercialista e immobiliare
ASCO Association of Management Consultants Switzerland
SMG Swiss Management Association